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7 Points to Consider When Creating Ideal Office Space Layouts

Commercial Interiors Trends

Is it time to remodel, expand, or move into brand new office quarters? Take a scientific approach to office space planning. Each of the seven points in our Formaspace guide to creating an ideal office layout will help you work more productively than ever before, while at the same time, laying the foundation for your business to grow in the future.

Office space planning is in a state of rapid change, with more and more companies moving away from fixed offices and cubicles to an open office plan. Employers springing for these new or renovated open office layouts are hoping to see quick concrete results from their real estate investments. Some of the most common goals are:

• Attracting and recruiting new talent to the company.
• Promoting innovation and productivity at work.
• Breaking down information silos.
• Keeping real estate costs down in expensive markets by increasing density.

On the other hand, current employees and potential recruits may have differing opinions about open office layouts. While younger Millennials employees often prefer open office floorplans (which feel as comfortable as working in their local coffeehouse), older workers may find the change uncomfortable due to the perception of privacy loss and increased noise.

Navigating to find a solution that satisfies these competing goals and perceptions is not straightforward. We’ve gathered together a seven point process to help guide you as you take on the process of managing your office space planning challenges.


Understand Your True Office Space Planning Requirements

If you are opting for a new office or renovating your existing office layout, start by writing down the top three reasons (in priority order) for this decision.

Sometimes the reasons are clear-cut; there is a new merger or acquisition, the lease is up, the company is moving to a new location, or there is a need for space consolidation between existing divisions or departments. Other reasons might be less straightforward; nonetheless, you should take the time at the beginning of the planning process to understand, verbalize, and challenge each of your assumptions. For example, if you have run out of room, could you increase the density of your office by redesigning your current office; that’s often much cheaper than moving. What if you are simply not satisfied with your current office layout? Could renovation be the answer?

Next, identify the top three goals you have in mind for the new space. Possible responses could include: preparing for future growth, increasing productivity and efficiency, projecting a more modern brand to internal and external audiences, instilling a sense of pride in your employees, and making it easier to attract younger talent.


If you are opting for a new office or renovating your existing office layout, start by writing down the top three reasons (in priority order) for this decision.

Sometimes the reasons are clear-cut; there is a new merger or acquisition, the lease is up, the company is moving to a new location, or there is a need for space consolidation between existing divisions or departments. Other reasons might be less straightforward; nonetheless, you should take the time at the beginning of the planning process to understand, verbalize, and challenge each of your assumptions. For example, if you have run out of room, could you increase the density of your office by redesigning your current office; that’s often much cheaper than moving. What if you are simply not satisfied with your current office layout? Could renovation be the answer?

Next, identify the top three goals you have in mind for the new space. Possible responses could include: preparing for future growth, increasing productivity and efficiency, projecting a more modern brand to internal and external audiences, instilling a sense of pride in your employees, and making it easier to attract younger talent.